Thursday, February 25, 2021

Hawaiian Mu'umu'u Challenge: bonus project!

The repurposed Hawaiian Mu’umu’u Challenge seems to have become
the gift that keeps on giving!
That is because, I recently discovered there was just enough leftover fabric from the mu’umu’u to make a matching Zipper Pouch. 
The project began back in January when my sister asked if I could make a pillow case out of her Hawaiian Mu’umu’u which I gladly did. After I had finished making the pillow case {plus a few accessories} and was folding the leftover fabric scraps to put away I happened to notice a perfect piece of material for a zipper pouch as that had become my next sewing obsession.
The most amazing part about finding the extra piece was that it was exactly the right size, no cutting required. Plus, I also had a zipper that matched so it all came together fast. I like to think it was meant to be. 
By this time I had already made a couple zipper pouches so I had most of the kinks ironed out in the process I was using so it did not take long to stitch this one up.
Actually, the longest part was the wait to give it away. I had hoped to deliver it myself, however, one thing after another kept delaying the surprise and then it snowed pushing it out yet another week.
Finally, after 3 weeks she received the bonus project and was completely surprised which made it even more fun. Better late than never. 
Now she has the complete, one of a kind, designer set of the 
Repurposed Hawaiian Mu’umu’u Original Collection! 


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