Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Chocolate Layer Cake ~ GF Sunday Supper

Last Saturday I baked a big batch of oatmeal cookies however they were not gluten free which meant I needed to come up with something else to bake for Sunday Supper. I settled on this Chocolate Layer Cake.
The recipe called for an interesting flour substitute which I was curious about however I was short a quarter cup of this one important ingredient. Now the question was,  should I cut the recipe in half, which would have been the easiest, or cut the ingredients by a quarter so that I had a little bit more cake batter? I settled on the latter. I also decided to keep the substitute ingredient a secret until after everyone had tried the cake and then see if they could guess what it was. I proceeded to recalculate the measurements and mix up the batter. To my surprise the cake baked up perfectly and now I was anxious to find out how it tasted.
The time finally came to serve the cake.  Everyone loved it and said they could not tell at all that it was a gluten free cake. It had passed the taste test with flying colors but before anyone had a chance to guess the secret ingredient my hubby accidentally spilled the beans...Quinoa! Yes, that's right, Quinoa was the replacement for the flour. I really wasn't sure if the cake would bake the same without some amount of flour but it did. I had never used quinoa as a flour substitute before, or for any baking for that matter, so this was a first for me and I was very pleased with the results. 

1 comment:

  1. Quinoa????? That's a big surprise!!!!! Very brave of you to try that. Glad it was such a success.


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