Tuesday, July 23, 2024

.................... Oops, it did it AGAIN! ....................


Welcome to our world! I guess after 37 years things are bound to break, leak, creak, fall apart and stop working. Well, it has happened again. This time our master shower sprung a leak!
Timing is everything and we are so glad we caught this before our new carpet installation.
We had come home from a trip at the end of April. Our youngest son and one of his good friends had been in town to have a get together at our house with their local buddies while we were away. The beds in the boys old room had been removed a while back so our son slept in our daughters old room and he let his friend have the guest room. After we returned he mentioned he moved the nightstand to plug in the charger for his phone which was not a big deal however I am SO glad he did move it. That is because when I went to to gather up the bedding to wash I noticed the wall and carpet looked discolored behind the nightstand. I showed Mr. Wonderful and he agreed so he pulled up the carpet and this is what he found. UGH!
 A little unexpected detour from our current big project however we are so thankful we caught this leak when we did. It is not our first RODEO when it comes to plumbing issues so Mr. Wonderful had the supplies and repaired it right away. 
Then he fixed the floor and the sheetrock so that the room would be ready for the new carpet installation. 
Next, he gutted the shower in the master bathroom to dry it out. In the midst of the big project he is currently working on, a new project has now been created. We are in a Hot Mess here but  isn't that how it always goes?! It has to get messy before it gets better. I was hoping for a break from projects however, it appears that he is excited to get started on the master bathroom as soon as the other project is finished as he has lots of ideas and wants to change it completely. But, first things first. We needed to stay on task and get back on schedule so we were ready when the carpet arrived. More on that coming soon!

Happy Tuesday!

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