Saturday, July 20, 2024

---------- DIY Home Update Project 2024 ----------

BUH~BYE 1980's/HELLO 2024
The past year has been full of change which comes in all forms, shapes and sizes. Some changes are planned and others are unexpected. Sometimes the unexpected helps to nudge us to get going on a plan, as did the weather earlier this year.
Experience has taught us that one project usually snowballs into many and that was certainly the case with this one. And, speaking of snowballs…this current home improvement adventure all started while we were stuck at home during a snow & ice-storm this last winter. 
January 16, 2024
In January, Oregon experienced a snow and ice event that lasted about a week. Blizzard conditions along the Cascades and I84 as well as snow, freezing rain and wind in Portland and much of Oregon. 
Needless to say, we eventually lost power and could not get out and about for days.
After being cooped up for several days the hubs was getting restless, even after attempting to sled on the ice in the dark. He wanted to test the roads himself so he took a drive to see what the conditions were like outside of our neighborhood.  
January 13, 2024
Come to find out, trees and power lines were down all around us as well as around the city and suburbs. It appeared we would be home bound for a while longer. 
January 18, 2024
So, to keep busy, he started in on a DIY home update project.
Go Big or Go Home he always says!
We had been making a priority list for years of things we wanted to update and just happened to have some of the supplies on hand. Enough, at least, for him to get started and that was all it took.
Paneling was the first thing he made, beginning with the upstairs. 
January 16, 2024
Next, he removed the upstairs railing, which we had talked about replacing for quite some time. There was NO looking back! We were now committed, all in and beyond the point of no return
Once he had the upper rail out he put up a temporary safety rail. 
January 16, 2024
Soon after that he had installed a new half wall and wired it for an outlet, light switch and lights. No more extension cords running up and down the hall and stairs at Christmas time to light up garlands and decorations.
January 19, 2024
January 20, 2024
 And PRIVACY! Finally, after all these years, the hall and bedrooms are not so exposed and we now have some personal space. 
So, Mr. Wonderful worked as much as he could {when there was power} on the new home improvement project while we waited for the ice to melt.
He also extended the wiring down the stairs for stair lights. 
That is not something I would have ever thought of but loved the idea when he told me.
February 2, 2024
The original light fixture will be replaced soon, which we are looking forward to. We are definitely ready for something new after all these years. 
February 3, 2024
Another big project was moving the floor vent to the wall. Years ago the hall/wall/house ended just past the floor vent so the only place it could go was in the floor. That was until Mr. Wonderful added an office, sewing/craft room and attic onto our house and enlarged our family room. 
 The vent did not get moved at that time because there were so many new rooms to finish upstairs as well as an enlarged kitchen area and bigger familyroom downstairs.
Just as now, it was basically a one man crew and the vent location was not a priority.
So, now was the perfect time. The vent is finally in the wall where it should be and we love it. More on that and progress on our current Home Update coming soon.

Happy Sunny Saturday!


  1. Love seeing your progress! It looks wonderful! We are just starting on our stairs so I can't wait to see your project pictures. With all the experience Mr. Wonderful has maybe he could take a road trip eastward!

    1. Thanks Kathleen. It is coming together slowly but surely. Mr. Wonderful would be happy to hear from him and discuss projects. He also loves a road trip!


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