Wednesday, May 25, 2016

the hunt for MICROGREENS

I recently discovered Microgreens while preparing for my 
Run for the Roses mother ~ daughter tea party. 

The recipe that I chose for the miniature Kentucky Hot Browns on my tea party menu called for microgreens, however, I had never heard of that before and had no idea what it was. I added the unknown ingredient to my grocery list anyway thinking it probably meant sprouts or some sort of very small lettuce. Shopping day finally arrived and I could not find microgreens or sprouts at any of the grocery stores, and I went to several. I was disappointed and not sure at this point what I was going to use for a substitute especially since I didn't really know exactly what it was I was looking for in the first place.  On prep day I had to make a quick run to New Seasons Market for a few last minute items. Still a bit obsessed with finding the elusive  microgreens I decided I just had to take a quick look around the produce section to see if by chance they might carry them, but no luck. Nothing looked like sprouts. Miss E happened to be with me and after we grabbed the items on my list she suggested that we go back to produce and ask a clerk if they carried any sprouts. That turned out to be the best idea ever! The clerk took us right over to the "sprouts",  AKA microgreens , which did not look like the sprouts I was familiar with. She was so helpful and told us all about microgreens, how to care for them and their nutritional value. New Seasons offered several varieties 
                                   to choose from so we picked the 
                                          Red Rose Radish Shoots. 
A perfect choice, we thought,
considering the theme of the tea party.
Microgreens were the perfect size for tea party treats and I am glad that I now know what they are and where to find them.

Have a great day!

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