Friday, February 17, 2012

Happy BLOGiversary!

Today I am celebrating my
"1"  Year 
Yes, I made a Party Hat for this special occasion. I couldn't decide between a festive hat or a beautiful crown so I went with both!  

It's hard to believe that it has already been a year since I started
 ~ the Grand Surprise ~ 
and began blogging. I had only really discovered the blogging world about a year earlier when I was taking art classes from a friend who had just started a blog to keep her students updated on upcoming schedules and events and also from links my mother had started sending me around the same time. I was fascinated by the photos, the stories and endless creativity and began toying with the idea of starting a blog of my own. After a lot of thought and hesitation I finally did it and now it has already been a year. I am still learning a lot, which is half the fun, and of course it wouldn't be any fun at all if nobody was stopping by to visit so a BIG thank you to my family, friends and everyone that checks out my posts. I love the comments, emails and encouragement from all of you.

So here are some FUN FACTS (aka: stats) from
the Grand Surprise 
over the past year:

Top 5 Posts
1. Slurpee Day!
2. s w e e t simplici"tea"!
3. waterfall skirt
4DIY Waterfall
5. tea party food

Audience~Top 10 Countries 
1. United States
2. Malaysia
3. Canada
4. Russia
5. Australia
6. Germany
7. United Kingdom
8. Philippines
9. Italy
10. New Zealand

my 1st ever POST:
sNOw Kidding...

Total number of Posts:

It's been a busy, creative, inspiring year full of many
  Grand Surprises!
Thank~you for stopping by and sharing in my
 "1" year BLOGiversary CELEBRATION!
I hope you'll check back often!

Have a great weekend!


  1. Amazing that you've been blogging an entire year! You've done an awesome job.

  2. Happy Anniversary! That year sure went fast. Have enjoyed all your posts.

  3. Thank you so much! It has been fun.

  4. Jennifer, you've done such a fantastic job with your blog! I love coming over here and seeing what you've been doing (and cooking...yum! Your food photos always make me drool ;-)

    i, too, get such a kick out of the stats; in fact, just posted about it (flour sack babies???--go figure!). My top countries that visit are US, Russia and Ukraine. I can't BELIEVE how many Russia visits I get....what's up with that??

    Keep up the good work! Your blog is great. Sometime we should get together--I'd love to get some photo tips from you.


  5. Thanks Maggie! Your blog and art are my inspiration. I would love to get together.


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