Saturday, February 11, 2017

Peanut Butter Treats

Not one but two peanut butter treats were on the baking list this week. I can't explain why. It just happened that way.
First up ~ peanut butter, butterscotch, marshmallow bars...
aka: Fancy Bars
I remember my mother making these when my sisters and I were little. In fact, I still use her recipe and every time I make them it brings back warm, sweet, yummy memories, 
...I couldn't stop there.
I was also in the mood to bake peanut butter cookies topped with solid chocolate hearts in lieu of Hershey Kisses®. Hearts are my go~to peanut butter cookie topper in February when  chocolate hearts are plentiful and come in every size, shape and color.
Most of the Fancy Bars and Peanut Butter Cookies were packaged up and shared with friends this week, which means,
 I will be baking again over the weekend. 

Have a beautiful Saturday!

1 comment:

  1. I'd forgotten about marshmallow bars! I remember I used to often make them for Celtic Choir when it was your turn to take treats because the kids always seemed to ask for them.


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