Tuesday, July 31, 2012

summer evenings are for...


We've discovered a new trail! 
{new to us that is}
Actually our "newlyweds" had been talking recently about a great trail next to the Tualatin River that they use when they take their evening walks. It has a nice pedestrian bridge which crosses the river and a long, winding path that connects two parks in neighboring towns. We finally had a chance to try it out one warm night last week and loved all the animals, fields, parks and tree lined banks along the river

and next to the creeks.

A train loaded with logs even went rumbling by just as the sun was setting.
A great place for walking, running, biking, dogs 
and also 
canoeing, fishing 
just floating on the river.

What a beautiful place for an evening walk!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you finally got to do that. Beautiful!


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