Thursday, April 21, 2011

city cows

When you think of living in the city, cows grazing in a pasture is not the typical image that comes to mind but we feel fortunate to live next to such a place. Everyone loves to visit the cows and the cows love to have visitors. They always come running in hopes that you'll feed them, which we do. This new little calf is very playful and wants so badly to play with the dogs. She runs and jumps trying to get their attention, that is until her mother comes over and snorts at us. That quickly puts an end to playtime which then becomes snack time and the calf soon forgets about the dogs. As for the dogs, they too are easily distracted and go back about their business of sniffing, marking and chasing each other while I, in the meantime, continue to soak up the sights, smells and sounds of this little bit of country right here in the city. You can't help but stop and enjoy the cows and their beautiful surroundings. 


  1. That Mama cow sure is white!! Makes a nice Spring picture with SUNSHINE, green grass and a nursing calf.

  2. That's exactly what I was thinking! That adorable little calf has sure been drawing lots of attention. There is always someone pressed up against the fence.


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