Saturday, November 15, 2014

Pumpkin Torte

Thursday was supposed to be a "snow day" although the snow never arrived. Instead we had freezing rain and sleet, which is not as pretty or as fun as snow. It covered everything in a thick layer of ice making it impossible to get out of the house. Our "Snovember" never materialized but it was still cold and a perfect day to be in the kitchen. To start the day I made a big farm breakfast, then put on some hot spiced cider which simmered all day, made homemade chicken noodle soup for lunch, marinated some chicken for dinner, prepared my favorite wild rice, cranberries and pecans to go with the chicken and also made this festive
Pumpkin Torte 
which was a new recipe I had been wanting to try. 
This quick and easy dessert consists of layers of 
pumpkin cake, pumpkin cream cheese filling, homemade salted caramel sauce and toasted pecans. 
A perfect fall dessert.
My photos did not turn out the best since I finished the Pumpkin Torte around 8:00pm which caused lighting issues, however, I wanted to get some pictures before cutting and serving it. 

Pumpkin Torte recipe: go here

Have a Warm and Cozy Weekend!


  1. Oh, my!! That is gorgeous and I'm sure it was delicious as well. I don't know how you make it so beautiful.

    1. Thank you. I am glad I had a chance to bring you some so you could try it!

  2. That looks fantastic! Wow, you did a terrific job. -Lu


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