Something new!
We had a bumper crop of apples this year.
So many in fact, that one of our apple trees fell over.
Mr. Wonderful propped it back up and it appears to be okay, at least for now.
We lost some apples as expected, however, the majority survived the fall and they kept growing bigger and bigger.
Finally they were ready to pick and this year the hubs decided to get a cider press and make some apple cider.
We have pressed cider before on different occasions with friends from church and co-workers however we decided it was time to get an apple press of our own to make cider out of all our apples.
It works great!
Our apples did not disappoint.
We have a variety of apples trees and pressed them all together which is probably why the cider is so good. In fact, in my opinion, it could easily pass as dessert!
We have a lot more apples to press and some new recipes to try.
And, you can be sure we will be serving up some
Sweet Apple Cider for
Happy Tuesday!