
Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Our view from the Ranch

Forest fires covered the skies with smoke again this summer, especially so in the mountains. It is not ideal for vacation, or any time for that matter, but we do not let it stop us. 
We figured if the animals were still out in force then we should be too.
The sun was more difficult to find through the smoke and kept the temperatures on the cooler side which really did not interfere with our plans.
Sometimes the sun was not visible at all during the day.
We still rode our bikes and participated in all the activities we love.
Sometimes we did get a glimpse of the sun which was usually some shade of red or orange.
Most days it was so smokey it was hard to guess what time it actually was.
However, we carried on and enjoyed every minute.
Eventually, after several days, the skies began to clear.
Slowly but surely the smoke disappeared and the blue skies returned. 
We could finally see the majestic mountains again.
And the jet streams. 
It was glorious. 
There is a Place!

Monday, September 26, 2022

Oodles of Doodles for Monday

Just a couple doodles to get the week started.

Happy Monday!

Sunday, September 25, 2022

Happy Sunday


Monday, September 19, 2022

Pumpkin Harvest and more

Mini Pumpkins Gone Wild! 
We started these pumpkins from seed last winter, along with some assorted vegetables, and then transplanted them this spring. We tried growing them in the same spot last year and they did not do well at all so it was fun to have so many this time. 
We are loving all these little pumpkins which we picked over the weekend. Even the pumpkins hanging in the Mimosa tree and growing in the Rhododendron were gathered up so that the vines could be removed before the fall rain gets here.
However, Mr. Wonderful did miss one little pumpkin which wasn't bad considering how many there were and all the wild vines everywhere. 
This one had grown in the Rhodie between the branches in the back near the middle and was really wedged in there. It also blended in quite well which made it hard to see. 
Pumpkins were not the only things needing to be picked. The Roma Tomatoes had also multiplied and ripened so those needed to be gathered up and made into tomato sauce.
Our Zucchinis were ginormous { one was 14” around at the base! } and our Pears were beginning to ripen and fall. Luckily not too many on the ground yet. We will pick most of them now so that they will not fall and bruise. Once they are ripe enough we will dry some and can the rest. 
It is hard to believe we still have Strawberries coming on in September however it is fun to have a few every now and then. 
This week the pumpkins will get washed and ready for use. 
Fall is definitely in the air!

Happy Monday!

Saturday, September 3, 2022

The Mug Life & Our Pumpkin TREE

This was the chalkboard quote last week when we took our morning walk to our neighborhood Starbucks to get coffees. It was so cute I asked if I could take a picture to share. 
After getting back from our walk we checked our pumpkins which Mr. Wonderful planted around one of our front yard trees again this year. He planted some there last year however they did not do very well but he tried again and this time they took off. 
His idea/vision was to grow the vines up the tree and along the branches so that the pumpkins would dangle like big lights. Apparently the second times a charm because this time it worked. 
We have white and orange pumpkins and some are on the ground and others are in the tree.
These two are sitting in the tree up on a branch.
These have started growing out onto the driveway but I have been asked not to move them. Hopefully we won’t run over them with the car when pulling in and out of the garage. 
This pumpkin has found a home out on a limb and is getting quite big so hopefully the limb will be strong enough  to hold it as it continues to grow. The pumpkin patch below is on the ground under the tree near the trunk. 
It is impossible to see all of them because of all the leaves but there were quite a few in this little area. 
The two above are up high on a branch. 
And this vine is just growing from one limb to another and the pumpkins are just dangling there. Hopefully they will not get too big and heavy and fall because we are hoping to share the pumpkins in October with some of the neighbors and their kids. It is definitely beginning to feel like fall.

Happy Saturday!

Friday, September 2, 2022

Meals on Heels ~ August delivery

Last weekend we delivered a new batch of homemade meals and sweet treats to the folks and restocked their freezer with a little more
“lovin’ from the oven”.
Dessert First is my motto!  So lets start there….
Our youngest son was home for P&B’s wedding so I had baked some of his favorite sweet treats during the week he was here. The full recipes made too much for the three of us, especially so close to the wedding, so I planned ahead and saved a portion of all the goodies and wrapped them up for our meal delivery. 
Also, some dessert from P&B’s wedding was a must on the delivery list.
Along with the sweet treats we also packed up some banana bread, several types of soup, pasta sauce and a variety of casseroles to choose from. All of which were packaged for two and freezer ready.
And, to top it off, we took them a bouquet of P&B's Wedding Flowers! It turned out to be an extra special delivery this time.

Happy Friday!

Thursday, September 1, 2022

DIY Wedding Pew Bows & signs

It was so much fun helping with P&B’s wedding. There were lots of fun projects on the list and one of those was Pew Bows. 
There are so many different ways to make them that it was hard to narrow it down however after a little brainstorming with the bride and Miss E we finally came up with a design that was just right.
These were simple, easy to make and just perfect for the small, beautiful church.
I also made some Reserved signs to hang on the family pews. 
They were easy, just the right size, looked beautiful on the pews and really dressed up the aisle. They definitely added a special touch to wedding.

Happy Thursday!