
Saturday, September 3, 2016

Summer Home Improvement Projects

Front Porch
{ JULY }
After 18 years our front porch was in need of replacement and was the first big project on our summer list. 

Once the old porch was removed the electrical and irrigation lines could be moved to more convenient locations. The new porch was built just the same as the old one although the rails were extended along side both steps. New caps were added { not pictured } to the top of the posts, trimming replaced and the final coat of paint will be applied when the house is painted in early fall.
Backyard Fence

The 2nd project on our Summer Home Improvement list was a new fence. The old fence was built almost 30 years ago so it was definitely time for something new and an updated style as well. One portion of the fence was hired out so that was easy however it only went about two thirds of the way across the back. The other one third of the fence is shared by another neighbor and she agreed to have my hubs build that portion and also remove a line of Willow Trees.   The trees were planted too close to the fence line by the previous owners and had grown so big they were now pushing up against the fence. 

I am happy to report that all the trees were removed safely and there were no major injuries.
As you might imagine, our backyard was covered in branches and large chunks of wood
but it was cleaned up in no time. As for the fence, it was up a couple days later. 
The new fence has now been stained and the outdoor lights are back up. There are still fences on both sides of the yard that need replacing and we are planning some changes in the flower beds however those will be projects for next summer. 
For now, 
it's onto prepping the house for exterior painting! 

Have a great Saturday!