
Saturday, December 29, 2012

lemon tarts

I was inspired to make lemon tarts when one of my neighbors told me last week that she was making them for Christmas Eve. I happened to have the same Barefoot Contessa cookbook she uses for the crust recipe and I also had some lemons 
yesterday I made some.


Friday, December 28, 2012

paper Christmas Stocking {gift holder}

My creative mother made these adorable paper Christmas stockings this year for everyone in our family. They are actually clever envelopes which hold a Christmas gift inside. The stitching across the top keeps the contents safe and secure. These would be great for any small gift such as gift cards, small jewelry, money or even a thank~you note. In fact, they could be made to fit any sized gift. I wanted to save our stocking so I punched a hole in the corner and will use it as an ornament next year.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

broccoli Christmas Tree

I made my first 
broccoli Christmas Tree! 
In fact, 
I made TWO 
one for Christmas Eve and another for Christmas Day. 
I had never heard of or seen a broccoli Christmas Tree until a few weeks ago when my friend brought one she had made to a Christmas gathering. Once I saw it I could hardly wait to try making one myself.
✭ ✭ ✭
Such a festive and easy way to serve veggies!!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

snow day

We had our first
 snow day 
of the season!
There is something extra special about taking a  
when it is snowing 
we bundled up, went out and enjoyed the beautiful 
but temporary 
winter wonderland
as we always do!
Have a wonderful Saturday!!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Christmas baking

Lots of 
Christmas baking 
going on at our house! 

Saturday, December 15, 2012

thank-you cookies

A special thank~you cookie for everyone that participated in our annual
 Women's High School Basketball 
Pie Fundraiser!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

collage Christmas ornaments

Just popping in to share some ornaments I made this week with old patterns, hymnals and a dictionary.

Hope you are having a great day!

linking up here: at the Picket Fence

Saturday, December 8, 2012

vintage sewing pattern stockings {large}

This was the first stocking I made using my vintage sewing patterns. I used words and phrases that I clipped out of magazines to make the tags and added velvet rick rack to decorate the top. 
The hangers for the large stockings are made using a standard sized tape measure cut into approximately 6 inch lengths. 
I will post the medium sized stockings and a few more small ones as soon I get some pictures taken.

more vintage sewing pattern stockings here 

Have a MERRY Saturday!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

vintage sewing pattern Christmas stockings {small}

Here is a sneak peek at a few of my 
Vintage Sewing Pattern Stockings. 
I am working on some others and will post those soon. I make the smaller sized stockings {pictured above} to use as Christmas tree ornaments, gift tags and as packaging for small gifts.

linking up to: the Shabby Creek Cottage

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Hershey® Kiss Angels

Just popping in to wish you a wonderful 
Advent Sunday 
and to share these sweet little angels. They are easy to make and are a nice addition to the table at each place setting, as ornaments on the Christmas tree or several could be wrapped together and given as a gifts. 

Hershey® Kiss Angels

Supplies: silver or gold wrapped Hershey® Kisses, small metallic leaves and jump rings to match, small wooden balls.

Directions: Use a hot glue gun to attach the wings, head and halo. To use as an ornament just cut a piece of string the desired length and glue the two ends behind the wings.

Happy December!